Thursday, November 8, 2012

OUR DEAR AMERICA - Where do you go From Here?

OUR DEAR AMERICA - Where do you go From Here?
by Wolfgang and Mercy Simson.

Today, Obama has been re-elected; all the efforts of many Christian
leaders, prayer movements, "prophets" and "concerned Americans"
who have lobbied, written appeals, articles, books, letters - some
have even done films - to warn not to vote for him have come to
nothing. Many of them have behaved as if the future of the Kingdom
of God is at stake. Well, it is not.

Can we, as foreigners who dearly love you as a people, say a few
words into this situation? Because it is evident to us that God has
a clear plan with your nation. But many don t seem to see it, and
therefore run the danger of fighting the wrong fight, wasting precious
time and resources, and even endlessly call upon God to do what
he just will not do.

The German weekly Der Spiegel, kind of a German Time Magazine,
has a cover picture of Uncle Sam in bed, titled, The American
Patient: The decline of a Great Nation. We think this is a prophetic
picture. As your friends, we know, acknowledge and admire that
America has had a great past. But how will your future look like?

God chastises whom he loves because he knows: pride will come
before the fall, and humbleness and brokenness is the only condition
he responds to. We personally sense we need to tell you: the
destiny of your nation is in God´s hands, not yours. It is not at all
about Obama or Romney, it is about God using all the nations in
the world according to his global and unchanging plans. Did you
ever allow the thought that God in his sovereignty is using Obama
like a pawn on his chessboard to humble the US as a nation
because he wants to show his grace to a nation gone completely
self-sufficient? A nation that is so full of independence, individualism,
nationalism and trusting a greed- and fear-based economy that there
may be only one way open to heal it from its idolatry and re-align
itself with the Kingdom of God: a crisis beyond anything that
America has ever seen?

In 2008, God has been challenged by a man standing up in public,
preaching to the cheers of a huge crowd: "Yes we can!" We watched
it; we saw the tears of excitement in the eyes of the people; the
statements were received as if coming from the Messiah himself,
and the electoral rallies had all the flavor of a religious revival. "Yes,
we can" is the exact opposite of the King of kings saying: "Without
me, you can do nothing!"

If God is the one who "deposes kings and raises up others" (Dan
2:21), does it really matter what are the names of the current
puppets set in place by God that advance both the New World
Order and the Kingdom of God? Neither Herod, Pilate nor Caesar
were truly important for the development of the Kingdom. That is
exactly why Kingdom people do not play in the Second League,
but the First, the one that matters. The one that puts the Kingdom
first, and everything else - including their own nation - second.

The problem of the current commotion and insecurities arises
when even the people that call themselves after God keep confusing
the Kingdom of God with the United States of America. And when
that happens, especially through Christians with a public voice,
then we have truly lost all perspective of the coming Kingdom of
Jesus Christ and the predictions he has made that will precede
his coming.

America is being publicly humbled by God; and he is going to use
Obama - and those after him - to further advance his agenda that
will lead all nations to kneel before that one true King Jesus very
soon. If any nation wants to become a tower that reaches up to
high heaven, it will be humbled by a God who will not share his
glory with people relying on their own strength.

America, where do you go from here? What does this mean for
you? The future is going to be very, very rough. Your securities
will vanish, the economy will go down, the education system will
become even worse, the streets more dangerous, the churches
even more divided, the youth even more disillusioned - unless
there is a true movement that abandons all those idols mentioned
above, and radically repents, makes a radical alignment with the
King of the Kingdom of God and his constitution, live the Law of
Christ in all areas of life, first and foremost in the areas of sex,
money, power and how we "do church". This is a defining moment
for you as a nation. You could go down, as the German journalist
of `Der Spiegel´ predicted. Or, America could be literally re-invented
by Kingdom people who are ready to implode the prevailing myths
about America's greatness, and replace it by God´s greatness.
The King has even greater things purposed and would fulfill those
purpose IF those who call themselves after Jesus the King, would
turn away from their self-made religion, self-made churches and
religious factions, self-made visions of success, and their self-made,
harmless God.

Can we lovingly but urgently call you back at this hour to begin and
initiate a movement to reposition and repatriate yourselves into the
eternal Kingdom, by submitting yourself not only in theory but also
in practical deeds to Jesus the King, starting to obey the King and
his liberating decrees in all the areas that count? You might even
want to write a declaration of dependence on God and each other,
because by idolizing anything else before and over God, you will
become illegal aliens in the country that counts, where we all are
called to have our home: the Kingdom, the one place where our
true citizenship, nationality and allegiance lies (Phil 3:20). This is
the only one country that will not be shaken, as it has an
unchanging King.


  1. Thanks for this article. I agree with many points and diverge a little in a few points. American Christians do not believe that this is the Kingdom of God, though some act as though it were; however, we do believe that America was founded by Christians and dedicated to God as a Christian nation, which is why it has become the greatest nation on Earth.

    That said, Hollywood and materialism has weakened the Church in America, and the true Christian faith in great danger. So, many of us believe that Obama has been given to us much like Nebuchadnezzar and Babylon were given to rule over Israel and put them into captivity. So we expect God's judgment to come upon this whole nation, to get the Christians to repent, which will not take a lot; and to get those hostile to religion to repent, which will take a lot of suffering. We expect a large terrorist attack such as a nuclear bomb or even two, economic collapse and rioting in the streets. Perhaps even civil war when Obama orders marshal law and takes other actions deemed treasonous.

    But we also believe that we will win and recover our greatness. But of course not all Christians agree with this point of view, they will see it as the destruction of America before the Great Tribulation, which is a false doctrine many of them believe. This will just make them joyous, "the Rapture is about to take place!" But they will be sadly mistaken.

  2. I too am a foreigner of sorts to America and although here in the US for a long time now, I don't agree that the Americans on the Repub side "have behaved as if the future of the Kingdom
    of God is at stake." Of those who are believers who woudl even believe in a Kingdom of God, I'd say rather we acted the the future of America as it has been is at stake and indeed it is! The best days of America are coming to an end. America can not choose to vote back in a man who has increased the national debt by almost a third (close to $6 trillion in about 3.5 years-- compared to GW's 4 trillion in 8 years), and not even submit a budget for 3 years and expect there to be no profound consequences. We could never even pay off the interest alone is EVERY American paid even 100% of their income in taxes.

    You are right, we here in America who also believe in God do in fact realise this is a humbling of this nation, and of the worldly church as a whole.

    I honestly believe the old American will be done away with (Even more than it already has) to be replaced by an even more obvious Babylonian system. Myself and many others also firmly believe God will not stand by and allow us to continue to vote for such immoral legislation and amendments without divine judgement. As it is, abortion on demand for any reason is THE most COMMON medical procedure done each day in this nation, to name just one debacle. Gos has already begun to move his hand of protection. We will be destroyed by war and attacks from within this country and outside. We will face food shortages and economic ruin and in it God will purge, cleanse and mold his true church.

    I ABSOLUTELY do NOT believe (like commentator above)we will ever recover our greatness. America is not discussed as that central in end time prophecy and we have clearly as a people chosen immorality over righteousness as a whole. We want to continue the feel good approach with no real substance and tickles our ears with convenience as we slide down the slippery slope to utter ruin. Our job now, is to move on, keep praying and fall on our knees asking God to lead us to those around us we can help, saving some with God's help as if by fire.

  3. The Kingdom of God is here on earth because the Holy Spirit is here to lead us and guide us into all truth. And because we Christians have His Spirit dwelling in us. The Kingdom of God here on earth is connected to the Kingdom of God in heaven.

    If we Christians allow the spirit of the world (Hollywood, TV, secular music, porno, perversion, etc.) to influence us, we are in trouble.

    (NIV) 14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

  5. I believe that the Christians who voted for Obama and Mitt both voted out of fear, including myself. I had to repent to the Father for being in fear. I would not have voted for either one if I had not been in fear, even though I voted for Mitt for the "right reasons" (pro-life, pro-traditional marriage between man and woman, pro-Israel, etc). I do believe we all made a mistake. Fear accomplished nothing good in the eyes of God. I also believe that Father God will not give everything we ask for because we ask amiss.

    James 4
    4 What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? 2 You desire but do not have, so you kill. You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God. 3 When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.

    4 You adulterous people,[a] don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. 5 Or do you think Scripture says without reason that he jealously longs for the spirit he has caused to dwell in us[b]? 6 But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says:

    “God opposes the proud
    but shows favor to the humble.”[c]

    7 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 8 Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. 9 Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom. 10 Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.
